The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Like you, we are avid shooters, proud Americans, and believe in protecting our homes and family. Staying true to this belief is how Shark Coast Tactical was formed. Shark Coast Tactical is a federally licensed firearms dealer. We sell quality, affordable home defense, hunting, custom, and tactical gear. We got our name from where we call home. South of Tampa, the west coast of Florida is known as the Shark Coast. This is because some of the biggest sharks on record have been caught here. Hammerheads are the nastiest out there. We call them “the man in the brown suit” when we fish for tarpon. The sharks here have learned that the sound of drag screaming is like a dinner bell. Shark Coast Tactical is a Florida company. We believe in quality, freedom, hard work, fun, and America. Get on down here and stay a while. We have the best looking women on the planet, lots of places to shoot, great gun laws, good hunting, excellent fishing, and there is always something to do or a weapon to fire.
SHARK COAST TACTICAL IS PARTNERING UP WITH CSC FOR COURSES TAUGHT OUT OF OUR SARASOTA SHOP!  How to Buy a Pistol or a Rifle Federal firearms laws prevent the sale of a weapon from Shark Coast Tactical directly to an individual. We must ship your firearm directly to an FFL Dealer near you. The steps to follow are: 1. Order your firearm online using our secure shopping cart. If you know the dealer you are going to use at time of order placement (not a requirement) enter his name into the ‘Ship To’ field. 2. Find a dealer near you that will accept the transfer of the firearm for you. Most sporting goods stores and pawn shops will provide this service for a small fee. Also, gun clubs, shooting ranges, etc. may provide this service to you. If you don’t know which dealer to use in your area, put a comment in your order and we will help you locate one near you. We have access to a large list of dealers in the USA that will gladly handle a transfer for you. Most dealers charge around $25 for a transfer. You must confirm the transfer with your local dealer in advance. 3. Next, have the dealer get us a copy of his signed license if we don’t already have it on file. To check whether a license is on file, contact us.Please Note: It is now legal for us to accept a faxed or e-mailed copy of your dealers license! Print out this convenient coversheet, fill it out and give it to your dealer to fax with his license. That’s all there is to it! 4. Make sure the dealer knows the firearm is coming from us. If you used a dealer that we already had on file, call him to let him know that a gun for you is on the way. 5. We will send you an email when the firearm ships, which will include a tracking number. Forms of Payment Credit Card: You can order your product online using our secure server. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. All products must include the billing address on the credit card. All transactions are authorized for the full amount at time the order is placed. Please contact your finacial provider for more information regarding Authorizations. Please note the following: It is the Customer’s responsibility to know your State’s gun laws. Don’t order what you can’t own. • All prices and descriptions are subject to change without notice. Pictures of items are generic and might not match exactly. Refer to the written description of the item. Specifications given are from the manufacturers and importers and we reserve the right to modify our information provided herein. • Shark Coast Tactical is not responsible for internet order errors. • Prices are rarely incorrect but we retain the right to refuse any transaction pending the correction of pricing. • Prices for items not in stock at time of order are subject to price change prior to delivery. • We notify customers of any error via e-mail. We are not responsible for e-mail transmission errors.