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Speak Life Church .Net


Welcome to

This Christian ministry is a growth from a podcast called Speak Life started in October 2017.  The origin of this ministry began with the answered Call to the Gospel ministry of a rebellious, former US Marine, biker, police officer, outdoorsman, CIA analyst.

Recognizing the influence of tech and mobile computing (cell phone/computer) the Lord has called me to provide a way to feed your Spirit.  And help remind you to “get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  To be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31-32).

The internet has all manner of things.  Many of which are not good for your soul.  It is a virtual wilderness where many still get lost.

This cannot replace a physical church where you can fellowship personally with one another but it can the “church” as rendered in the New Testament comes from the Greek term ekklesia which is formed from two Greek words meaning “an assembly” and “to call out” or “called out ones.”

We will create “small groups” in your area for fellowship.

This means the New Testament church is a body of believers who have been called out from the world by God to live as his people under the authority of Jesus Christ:

This group of believers or “the body of Christ” began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost through the work of the Holy Spirit and will continue to be formed until the day of the rapture of the church.  The universal church is made up of every single person who has exercised faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, including members of every local church body throughout the earth.

When we live by the Spirit, we will no longer gratify the desires of the sinful nature (Galatians 5:16).

God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church.

And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself. (Ephesians 1:22–23, NLT)

Through this site we will reach to spread the love of Christ and the gospel message to unbelievers in the world (Matthew 28:18-20). This is the Great Commission, to go out into the world and make disciples. So, the purpose of the Speak Life Church is to minister to believers and unbelievers.

The church is the body of Christ—His heart, mouth, hands, and feet—reaching out to the world online.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

Rev. Kenn Blanchard

I’m the virtual pastor, host and janitor of this thing.  When you need me, I am here.

I was the second pastor of Historic Berean Baptist Church in Washington, DC, where he was ordained in 2007 and called to pastor from 2006-2013. He was baptized in 1971 at First Baptist Church of Highland Park (Landover, MD). He strongly ministers to outdoorsmen, law enforcement, security and military members.  He is married s and is the father of two adult children.

Rev. Kenneth Blanchard, Sr.

I am a former US Marine, law enforcement officer and self-defense trainer known internationally. I have spent almost thirty years fighting terrorism with the Central Intelligence Agency.

I was born in Virginia and has traveled to over fifteen countries. I speak Brazilian Portuguese, a little Spanish and have been gifted at reaching diverse groups of people. I have been God’s special agent for many.

And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;— 1 Timothy 1:12


In 2001, I accepted the call in my life to use my gifts for the glory of God.  I am far from perfect.  I am a survivor of many things that give me acceptable reasons to be anything but a child of God. When I look over my life, I can say with certainty that I would have never made it without the help of God.  The men in particular I have met, fought, worked, partied with, served are just like me.  I know that the very same God loves them too.  We have seen and done things that can keep us in darkness.  I seek to bring my brothers to the Light.

Technology is used for so many things. This is one man’s mission to bring the gospel of Truth to others using it.  I plan to do this by crossing denominational, racial, and social boundaries by focusing on that which unites us in the faith –Jesus the Christ. I acknowledge that we must be united to be strong, but without compromise. I plan to do this by sharing that salvation is by grace through faith alone, the atonement, and forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ shed blood. I recognize the sinfulness of apathy, pride, gossip, and any idols of ‘doctrinal purity’ that are so divisive.

I acknowledge my own shortcomings but do this anyway, giving it all to God and asking Him to bless this.


It is my desire to stir up the gifts of others.  Whether it is praying for the lost, and for the workers in Christ, or help support financially, teaching the body, doing works of administration, or whatever gift you have, using it for the glory of God.

I have no aspirations or expectations in this ministry, except to please the Most Holy God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To God be the glory.  “Baruch Haba B’shem Adonai”


Rev. Kenn Blanchard



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